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8 Movies Worth Watching (Part 2)

If you enjoy my first batch of Movies Worth Watching, now I’ll recommend my favorite movies *heart emoji*. Make sure to watch them and enjoy :D

1. The Hangover- Remember when I told you I like watching movies with sequels? Well here’s another of my favorite. The title of the movie already creates an overview of the event. Why not watch it for more?

2. What To Expect When You’re Expecting – SUPER FUNNY MOVIE YOUR DRINK WILL COME OUT OF YOUR NOSE! The stars are big time and the story is really interesting. Watch. Watch. Watch. *Spoiler* Rebel Wilson is here.

3. Mr. And Mrs. Smith - Who doesn’t recognize the movie that made BranGelina fell in love together? If you are a die-hard fan of the couple or just wanted to be an assassin, this movie is for you.

4.X Men Series- Seriously who wouldn’t love the X Men?

5. One Day – This movie tells a story of two friends who hides their true feelings for each other and the events always go back to one day, the day they first met. *Spoiler* Box of tissue is a must.

6. Twilight Saga – The line/meme “…better love story than Twilight” is circling the net and I got curious about the love story so I watched it. Believe me, I didn’t expect to be so attached to the characters. Everything is flawless you’ll love it.

7. Harry Potter – Do I need to explain why this one makes my list? Have a Harry Potter marathon and your day is complete.

8. About Time – They say to save the best for last. About Time is not a popular movie but its story is not cliché. It’s a mixture of romance, comedy, family, drama and fiction. Seems like a total package right?

Got any favorite movies from my list? Comment on the homepage or my Facebook page. Enjoy watching!

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